My journey in dance is a helical motion, reviving around the salient "point" that was once a beat in space, resonated, echoed to form a heart. It leaps, breaks, opens and stay still... 

From HÜM's perspective earliest childhood memories are non-verbal which means we can remember sounds, textures, movements, spaces, more an atmosphere of experiences.

Pre-verbal officially means the language a child has before they learn functional speech. This definition is not precise and leads to misinterpretation. One can think that verbal language stands higher as it is a progress in learning, maturing, and so once achieved it takes the place of pre-verbal language.

Non of this stands the ground.

 Although it is true that among the forms of language skills, verbal language is a social skill to learn, but pre-verbal language never leaves us. It also changes, "develops" and interacts with verbal language (If we stay at the categorisation of two main strands of language.)

"I remember the back garden, the feeling of all corn plants and sunflowers being taller than me. Being at awe."

 "My feet sinking in mud and balancing on rock by the river."

"A tick in my body to be massaged until it comes out."

Movement language you speak and movement language you are moved by is in a big percentage, adaptation. The snake bites its own tail because adaptation is co-motion. In other words, to really adapt to an environment (city, village, workplace, home, school, social institutions etc.) changes have to occur in real time. The obstacle is, without being aware of the state of being-in-self, past and future ideas, concept and fantasies mask the language you express yourself through, and keep clashing with reality.

To talk about this approach will always fail, experience sound: HÜM 



Since 1984 a sentient body called "me" into re-search and sharing of a self, the humour of life, just to realise after 3 decades that living is just fine without an identity. There are countless beginnings and endings in the birth of a self even during one physical lifetime. I see identities are rather side effects of co-motion. How to move is more important for me. Dance thought me to sense a wider range of subtle and dense matter, to feel time and space as tangible, to connect to any sentient being with more and more humour, solidarity and wisdom.

Sshh! Aims are roguishness. In saṃkalpa I believe.

"The root "kḷp" means “to be in order,” “to be capable,” “to be suitable.” A saṃkalpa is literally, then, a “conforming,” a “(suitable) arrangement or adaptation.” (...) One might say, then, that saṃkappa is the gearing of the mind to whatever is its object in a definite and particular way."*

Finding a saṃkalpa is less and less about being objective, and more and more about  practice and preparation. Prepare to be a suitable space filled by a living being. First Time is needed to be given. Time to move in time.

I share "becoming dance" with others who seek the naked reality of being alive.

May we meet at the same wavelength!






* Quote: by Rupert Gethin, Co-Director of the Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol. This quote is from a text studying Abhidharma texts from the 3rd century.  His book: Buddhist Path to Awakening, 1992

we are the stars which sing

we sing with our light

we are the birds of fire

we fly over the sky


our light is a voice

we make a road for the spirit to pass over


/Song of the Stars, Dead Can Dance/

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